Updated: January 26, 2025 |
The Fisher-Price
Collectors Club is a group of people who enjoy collecting the wonderful toys
made by the Fisher-Price toy company. We have been together for 30 years, first forming in 1993.
The club is a registered non-profit organization 501(c)(3) with the purpose to
preserve and collect Fisher-Price toys, and to bring together the people who enjoy them.
Our club is unique in that we don't just exist as an online entity - we have a yearly
convention where we get together to meet in person and socialize; and also have a sale to buy,
sell and trade our favorite toys! We also maintain direct ties to Fisher-Price and have many
former employees in our club. If you have ever seen Brad Cassity's book Fisher-Price Toys,
yes that's our club mentioned in there, and many photos in that book were from our club member's
private collections. To read more about our mission, goals and history,
click here.
SO WHAT DO OUR MEMBERS COLLECT? Far and away, the top collected toy are the classic Fisher-Price
Little Peope sets made before 1990. Remember those little round people with all their sets - houses, barns,
schools, buses, garages? We have club members who literally have every set, with the original boxes too, of course! The
second most collected toys are the older Fisher-Price wooden pull toys, some of which go back to the early 1930's! We also have die-hard
Adventure People collectors, they love their stuff! We have some members who collect newer Little People sets,
Husky Helpers, musical wind-ups, dolls and dollhouses, and so much more. If Fisher-Price made it, we probably have
a member who collects it!
The top links for this site are:
Our Annual Toy Sale Page,
Convention 2024 Information,
Join The Fisher-Price Collectors Club,
Paypal for Club Renewals and Dinner Reservations,
News and Announcements,
Facebook Groups,
Our Adventure People Figures Guide, and
Our Adventure People Overview Page.
January 1, 2025 UPDATE: HAPPY NEW YEAR 2025! The Fisher-Price Collectors Club is thrilled to
welcome in the new year! We will be sending updates soon about plans for 2025: our annual convention, annual dinner,
annual sale, social hours, and hopefully more Fisher-Price tours! Information will be shared on this website and
in the next Spring Gabby Goose newsletter.
November 3, 2024 UPDATE: Collectors, check your mailboxes! The Fall edition of our newsletter The
Gabby Goose was mailed out to most club members in late October. A few newsletters are still being mailed as of this writing
(the ones going to Canadian addresses), so check again in a couple of weeks
if you haven't received it yet. The 12-page newsletter was printed in full color with an entire write-up of all the
fun we had at Convention 2024! If you are looking to renew membership for 2024-2025 year, visit our new
Membership Page for all the information on how to do it!
October 12, 2024 UPDATE: The board and officers of the club have been quite busy since the convention!
Plans for Convention 2025 are already being made, and when events are finalized, we will update this site accordingly.
We had many new members join us recently, and we want to give them a big hearty welcome to the club! The next Gabby Goose
newsletter will be sent out in October, so watch your mailboxes!
JULY 28, 2024 UPDATE:
The Fisher-Price Collectors Club's annual convention was held on July 26- July 27, 2024 in East Aurora NY. And once again,
we had an awesome time! In addition to our sale, social hour and annual dinner, for the first time club members got an
invitation-only tour inside the Heritage Center (aka the old Toytown Museum area) at the Fisher-Price factory campus! We had
a great turnout for the tours and dinner, and the sale did very well with lots of enthusiastic Fisher-Price fans coming through
looking for their favorite toys! The next Gabby Goose newsletter will have photos and a write-up of the convention 2024,
plus many of the social media groups on Facebook also posted photos. The club is already planning next year's convention
and (assuming nothing changes with the East Aurora Chamber of Commerce or any other factors), the dates would be July 25-26, 2025!
So collectors, go home and relax and play with your new toys, and mark your calendars for next year!
JULY 25, 2024 UPDATE: Here we go! Convention 2024 is upon us! This site has been
updated with information on all events and even maps too! Click on the links to get whatever information
you need and if you are coming, SEE YOU IN BEAUTIFUL EAST AURORA NY!
JUNE 22, 2024 UPDATE: Ok club members, we are 5 weeks out! If you are coming to the
convention, make sure you book your hotel soon! If you need hotel information or just sightseeing
ideas, check out our updated Visiting East Aurora Page! For anyone
planning to come to the dinner, get your reservations in soon so we can get a headcount. The deadline is
JULY 10, 2024. See our Convention 2024 Page on how to
reserve your spot for the dinner!
JUNE 7, 2024 UPDATE: HELLO CLUB MEMBERS! The Spring Gabby Goose Newsletter was mailed out
this week, so check your mailboxes! For those getting the paper copy, the newsletter was mailed in plain
white envelopes with an Arizona return address. This edition contains the invitations to the annual dinner,
plus voting for new board members.
The dinner is $25 a person and members can bring as many guests as they like, also $25 a person. We do have
a different location for the dinner this year - we are back at the American Legion in East Aurora NY! The
dinner is on Saturday July 26th, 2024 at (still got to find the time!) but usually around 6:00 pm.
To attend the dinner, you can either mail back the invitation with your check (follow the instructions and
use the address listed) or you can pay by ZELLE or Paypal. The address for both is fpcc1993@gmail.com.
(fpcc stands for "Fisher-Price Collectors Club" and 1993 is the year we were formed!). More information
will be updated here soon!
MAY 17, 2024 UPDATE: CLUB MEMBERS CHECK THIS OUT! The Fisher-Price Collectors Club is very pleased
to announce we will be hosting tours for club members during our upcoming July 2024 convention! These tours
are tentatively scheduled for Friday July 26th or Saturday July 27th in East Aurora NY, focusing on
Fisher-Price and the factory campus and history in the town. If you are a club member interested in
attending, send an email to RAH4FP@AOL.COM. From there, you will receive
information on the time and place, and can reserve your spot for a tour. Tours are limited in size and are first-come first-serve!
You can also email us at
fpclub@att.net for more info. If you are attending the convention, definitely consider joining us for the tour!
APRIL 12, 2024 UPDATE: Ok Fisher-Price Collectors, we are getting ready for this summer's convention! The sale is set for
Saturday July 27th in East Aurora NY! The time is 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. The location is the Blazing Star Masonic Lodge at 645
Main Street. See Our Toy Sale Page for more info!
The dinner for club members will be Friday evening July 26th - more information will be coming soon on the exact time
and place!
PLEASE NOTE: There has been recent news that the Fisher-Price corporate headquarters in East Aurora NY is downsizing and some Fisher-Price
lines of toys are being sold or moved to other locations. This news does not directly affect the club's operations, since we operate independently of
corporate Fisher-Price. As far as we know, the building in East Aurora is staying open, and so is the Toy Store located onsite.
Just to clarify, this news does not affect us and the club's convention and sale are ON!!!
JANUARY 1, 2024 UPDATE: Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year 2024 to all Fisher-Price fans!
Here's to a great year ahead! The Fisher-Price Collectors
Club already has many plans in the works for 2024. We are already planning for our next convention in July and
hoping for another banner year! More information will be mailed to club members in our next Gabby Goose
newsletter, probably coming in the spring. Many plans are still being finalized so we will let
club members know when things are set to go! Cheers to the year 2024!
DECEMBER 17, 2023 UPDATE: The club is very sad to report the passing of long-time member
Jacquie Hamblin. Jacquie was the heart and soul of the club for many years, serving as president,
membership coordinator, Gabby Goose editor plus so many other duties! She kept us going during some lean
times, and helped guide the club to grow and thrive. Jacquie lived a long life with a loving family at her side,
and spent much time volunteering, doing hobbies, and participating in charitable activities.
Jacquie's family
wrote a beautiful tribute which can be read here.
The club is continuing to plan for Convention 2024! The convention is traditionally held during the last full weekend
of July, which will make the dates Friday July 26th and Saturday July 27th, 2024. Our Convention 2024 page
is up and running and will be updated often with details as they become set.
Click here to visit the Convention 2024 page.
October 28, 2023 UPDATE: Collectors, check your mailboxes! The newest issue of the Gabby Goose was
mailed out the week of October 23rd. For those of you getting the printed copy mailed, it should be arriving soon!
For those of you getting the emailed version, it should be in your inbox soon. This issue's features include meeting
our new president (who everyone already knows!!), a write-up from our 2023 July convention including displays from
Fisher-Price's earliest days, an article about Churchville NY (and how it ALMOST became the "Toy Capital" of the
nation), a member of the club shares their collecting story, an article about modern day toymakers, and tote bags
available to club members (see our Paypal Page if you are interested in purchasing one).
Now that the club is fully back up and running after covid, we are looking to fill vacancies on the board. An
application was included in the newsletter for any club member who is interested!
October 17, 2023 UPDATE: Hello collectors! The board and officers of the Fisher-Price Collectors
Club have been busy getting ready for the next year! We are actively looking for club members to join our
board to fill vacancies. More details will be shared soon! The next Gabby Goose newsletter is almost complete
and will be sent to club members once it's done. In the meantime, all Fisher-Price fans are welcome to come
and chat in our Facebook Groups. Come share your newest finds, show off
your collection, and just chat away!
July 30, 2023 UPDATE: Hello collectors! Our Convention 2023 was AMAZING!!!! Our dinner
was at max capacity, our sale had the max number of vendors, and we had a wonderful time. A write-up of
the convention will be in our next newsletter soon. The club is already planning our
2024 convention which we will release details as plans become set. So everyone who attended the sale, have fun
playing with all your new toys!!!
Click here to see previous news and updates
Annual Toy Sale - The Fisher-Price Collectors Club holds a
sale once a year in East Aurora NY. Click to see information on any upcoming sales, and photos
from past sales too!
News and Updates - Click to see news and updates from the Fisher-Price
Collectors Club. Will include toy sale and convention information as plans are made.
Gabby Goose Newsletter - Members of the Fisher-Price Collectors Club
receive the club's newsletter The Gabby Goose usually 3 times a year (the newsletter is mailed out; it
is not available online). This page has information about
the current newsletter plus past newsletters as well.
Facebook Groups - There are some active Facebook groups where
Fisher-Price fans chat away about their recent toy finds and their collections! The club also
has a Facebook page, which we primarily use for updates about the toy sale.
The Fisher-Price Adventure People - The Adventure People were
a line of toys made by Fisher-Price from the mid 1970's to the early 1980's. And wow, they can
be super collectible, especially in the original boxes or cards! We have 6 Adventure People pages:
Adventure People Overview,
Adventure People Figures,
Adventure People Sets,
Adventure People Illustrated Cards,
Adventure People Figures Common to Rare Scale, and
Adventure People Facebook Groups
Join the Club - The Fisher-Price Collectors Club is a non-profit
organization that has existed now for over 30 years! Click the link to read more about what
a club membership includes!
The Wooden Pull Trains - The Fisher-Price Collectors Club has members
who love all different lines of toys made by Fisher-Price; we aren't just all Little People collectors!
Many of our members love the older wooden pull toys, which were the primary toys made until the
mid 1960's. One fun subgroup of the pull toys are the wooden trains, each with it's own style and
identity. Click the link to see a whole bunch of them!
Fisher-Price Guide Books - Looking to buy a guide book on
classic Fisher-Price toys (pre-1990)?
On this page we showcase 3 of the best ones out there, the books written by Brad Cassity, Bruce Fox and
John Murray.
Our Mission, Goals and History - An overview of the
Fisher-Price Collectors Club, from our beginning in 1993 to current times. Explains our missions
and goals as a non-profit organization.
Overview of the Toys We Collect - What do the members of the Fisher-Price
Collectors Club collect? The top line of toys (as you may guess) is the classic Little People toys, and
second is the older wooden pull toys. But we have members who collect many other lines of
toys as well! Musical wind-ups, newer Little People, the mighty Adventure People, plus more! See
the link to get an overview of what lines of toys that collectors like!
Fisher-Price Toy Collection Photos - See photos of many toys in
the personal collection of one of our long-time members. This page showcases many
different lines of collectible Fisher-Price toys.
Fisher-Price Little People - The beloved Fisher-Price Little People made
from the mid 1960's to 1989 are the top collectible line of toys by members of the club!
This page is a brief overview of the Little People and some links to sites or books that can serve
as an identification guide.
East Aurora NY Information - The Fisher-Price Collectors Club
holds our annual convention in East Aurora NY. Why East Aurora? It's the home of the Fisher-Price
factory, of course! It's where it all started. This page has some general information about
East Aurora for those coming to the convention for the first time.
Member Memorials - The club has many senior members,
and sadly the march of time is invariably taking its toll. On this page we remember some club members who
passed away.
1998 Gabby Goose, All rights Reserved.
The Fisher-Price
Collectors Club is not affiliated with
Mattel/Fisher-Price or any of its associates. The toys are trademarks of
Mattel/Fisher-Price and its affiliates.
is a registered trademark of Mattel, Inc. The statements expressed here are the
opinions of the site owners.
We love our Fisher-Price Toys! |